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×These numbered resize buttons emulate a desktop browser's native zoom level feature (e.g. pressing Ctrl +/- or Cmd +/- keys). This CheMagic feature is designed for computer tablets only. The buttons produce no zoom change in desktop browsers.
User X/Y data entered in the Table is displayed as a Google Charts line graph by clicking the Plot Data link. Table data can be erased by clicking the Erase Data link. The Save Data link saves table data to the Data Code box as copyable code for reloading via copy/paste. The Restote Data link loads table data from the Data Code box. Graph Information
Data must be decimal (e.g. 1.25) or scientific (e.g. 2e4). A graph title and X/Y axes names can be entered below. We have 30 X/Y points in our data table. The chemistry historian, Carmen Giunta (Le Moyne College), computed P/V points in arbitrary P/V units using the 25 points in Boyle's publication. If 25 was good enough for Boyle, 30 should be good enough for CheMagic! Click the Boyle Data to load Carmen Giunta's Boyle data. Take a look at the PV graph. Happy X/Y graphing of your own data!
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X Name: Y Name: Graph Name: Data Code: